Most courses are offered online through Catalyst Art Lab with occasional exceptions. Join my email list for the latest updates and to register:
Brave Space: Brave Space, taught by Paula Roland and Jeff Hirst a discovery-in-process, with intuition as a driving force
9/19, 10/3, 10/ 17, 11/7, 11/21, 12/5
1 PM – 3:00 PM CST
This workshop brings together the team of Paula Roland and Jeff Hirst, two artists with many years of professional experience, often collaborate on teaching.Both use paper extensively and have designed a workshop that merges paper and water-based media on a large scale. Paula and Jeff focus on physicality and materials in their own work, with an emphasis on intuitive explorations that ultimately lead to the development of personal or desired content.
Zen, Big Brush, and Expressive Ink Painting/Mark-Making
September 24, October 8, 15, 22, 29
1:00 - 3:00 PM (CST)
Live on Zoom, repeats yearly.
REGISTER ON CATALYSTARTLAB.COMThe course takes you from meditative walks, to brush-making, calligraphy, use of the big brush/mop, to abstract ink painting, mounting and presentation of works and more! This is an all-ink on paper workshop where you will produce numerous pieces on paper that stand alone or for use with encaustic, acrylic, and collage.
Carbon Lab, January 2025 and repeats yearly.
Live on Zoom
A very different encaustic painting course with emphasis on experimentation and using powdered graphite or ink (carbon) in a myriad of ways.
Paula’s online self-directed courses include:
DIPPED IN WAX Digital/Self-Directed Course
What's Covered in This Course?
~ Create translucent or opaque surfaces and substrates by submerging paper in wax/encaustic.
~ Transform found or crafted objects by repeated dipping in wax/encaustic.
~Learn numerous unique presentation options.
~Receive a wealth of resources including Materials and Health & Safety.Contains numerous detailed videos of techniques filmed by Paula in 2022.
Encaustic Monotypes: Painterly Prints with Heat and Wax Digital/Self Directed Course
Encaustic monotyping is an intuitive, immediate, and freeing process. This. is a helpful introductory course for Paula’s other Monotype Courses offered on Catalyst Art Lab. See below.
- Create an armload of prints and be fully inspired and confident to continue on your own
- Develop and refine compositions and your intentions for the work
- Learn three ways to mount prints to boards; discuss presentation and framing options
- Generate scores of ideas for all of your workIncludes valuable handouts and a guide to the video sections. Professionally filmed in 2010.